Brianne - In July, my older brother got married. So I have a new sister-in-law. Yay! She's from Alaska. Here's us at their Oregon reception. It was 100 degrees that day and my hair was a sweaty mess. I was impressed at how good Natasha looked all day even in her 3/4 length sleeve dress.
Here is the cake my step-mom made. She's a chef, but I had no clue she could do wedding cakes. I thought she did a really good job.
And this picture is just to embarrass Jeff :)
In the beginning of August I ran the Provo River Trail Half Marathon again. I was really excited for it because the first 5 or 6 miles is a slight downgrade which obviously makes it easier to run faster. I had a goal to beat my record by at least 5 minutes. Well that did NOT happen. I was dying after mile 7 and only beat my time by a whopping three seconds. It was a bit depressing. But I'm planning on running another on almost the exact course on October 30th. We'll see how that one goes...
We also recently bought a new car! It's 2010 Nissan Altima in Pearl White. We bought it used with only 2,000 miles on it and got a REALLY good deal. We love it!
And finally, the news that has been a long-time coming: I GOT A NEW JOB! I will be working in the Newborn ICU at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center! I still can't believe it. I start on the 20th and cannot wait!