Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer 2010

Yes it has been an eternity since we last updated our lives. So many things have happened since our last post, most importantly COLLEGE FOOTBALL has began. My wife might kill me for that one. So here is our update.Jeff- As many of you know I applied to PA school last year. I had 5 interviews and was on an alternate list. It didn't work out this year so I am just finishing up some applications to apply again. I am currently taking some independent study courses to improve my GPA and I also have been working as a Medical Assistant at Cherry Tree Family Practice. It has been such a blessing to get the job through networking. It pays decent for a health care experience job and is great for work experience for my application. I work with a team of 3 PA's, a Physician, and an NP. I draw blood, give injections, and do all the responsibilities of an MA. I love it. I often find myself looking at people's arm veins. Yes it's kind of weird. Okay, really weird. Other than those things my life is about movies, football, and the wifey.
Brianne - In July, my older brother got married. So I have a new sister-in-law. Yay! She's from Alaska. Here's us at their Oregon reception. It was 100 degrees that day and my hair was a sweaty mess. I was impressed at how good Natasha looked all day even in her 3/4 length sleeve dress.

Here is the cake my step-mom made. She's a chef, but I had no clue she could do wedding cakes. I thought she did a really good job.
And this picture is just to embarrass Jeff :)

In the beginning of August I ran the Provo River Trail Half Marathon again. I was really excited for it because the first 5 or 6 miles is a slight downgrade which obviously makes it easier to run faster. I had a goal to beat my record by at least 5 minutes. Well that did NOT happen. I was dying after mile 7 and only beat my time by a whopping three seconds. It was a bit depressing. But I'm planning on running another on almost the exact course on October 30th. We'll see how that one goes...

We also recently bought a new car! It's 2010 Nissan Altima in Pearl White. We bought it used with only 2,000 miles on it and got a REALLY good deal. We love it!

And finally, the news that has been a long-time coming: I GOT A NEW JOB! I will be working in the Newborn ICU at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center! I still can't believe it. I start on the 20th and cannot wait!