Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Bri's and my favorite yearly show has to be the Young Ambassadors. Taking a break from all of my passionate sporting events, I try to have some diversity by attending theatrical performances. Growing up, I had a family that forced my attendance to many Broadway plays. Although I always played the role of the hesitant teenager, I always came away really loving the performances. I loved Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast, and still today I would pay a lot to see Riverdance again (already seen twice). The Young Ambassador show put on by BYU is a highlight of many present and past Broadway shows. These students are extremely talented and they make me feel like I have done absolutely nothing with my life. They all take the stage and showcase their amazing talent they have of singing and dancing. Singing songs from all of the famous shows, the show leaves you hearing your favorite numbers for about a quarter of the cost. This year marked the 40th anniversary and with it, the 40 years of alumni came to participate. Although some of the elderly alumni didn't perform the dances perfectly, we were able to have amazing performances by some who had gone on and toured with many famous Broadway acts. All the performances were great but my top 5 are below:

5. Footloose - Abe Hegewald and Company
4. My New Philosphy
3. Do You Hear the People Sing - Les Miserables
2. Bring Him Home - Les Miserables
1. Defying Gravity - Wicked

1 comment:

AO said...

I wish I could have seen it. I was just telling Ryan last night we need to go to some show sometime.