Saturday, February 2, 2008


Episode 1
The Beginning of the End
I just first have to say how much I love TIVO. It can truly save your life. My nights are completely filled Mon-Thurs with Night classes in Salt Lake and an EMT course so TIVO has been my best friend with the new LOST premiere which aired Thursday--Friday for us. My thoughts on the opening episode are as follows:
1. I enjoyed the flash forwards and Lost decided to bring that element into the mix with us not knowing whether the scene is a flash forward or a flash back.
2. My favorite scene of the episode was with Jack visiting Hurley in the mental institution. Though their dialogue arose many questions.
3. Questions that some friends and I came up with:
a. who really is Naomi?
b. who is the guy Hurley saw in the Jacob's house?
c. what happened to the Oceanic Six?
d. what is the secret that Jack asked if Hurley told anybody?
4. We know that maybe the six that left the island have an order to become sick. From season 3 the last episode shows Jack saying he is sick. Hurley tells us he is sick. Order to date of sickness after leaving the island: 1. Hurley 2. Jack 3. ????? I really loved the episode and it really does is leave us all wanting more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

AO said...

I did watch a bit of this episode... my thoughts, too long to post in a blog, but #1, why does Hurley now wish he would have gone with Jack? Also, the other three Oceanic 6. You should talk to Ryan about it. He really liked it.