Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Times You just feel Retarded

I'm sure some of you probably have had similar experiences as the one I had today. It's these kinds of experiences that bring you down to earth and thank the Lord above for having a healthy mental capacity. My wife and I are getting together our tax forms so we can once again be blessed by the government and get our grants for the following year. We are giving them to my dad who is coming down today for business and we had forgotten them at our house. I know, the story will improve I promise. I ran home to pick up the forms and while I was there picked up the house for my wife and made it all clean (I actually do do this more than once a year, I think it is about once a week). Anyway the sun finally made it to Provo and I wanted to get my Foakly's (Oakly sunglasses from Brazil). I grabbed them and did one last thing before leaving. Well I walked outside to the bright sun blasting my pupils and realized I had forgotten the shades. I looked for them for the following ten minutes like a freaking idiot with no success as to not finding the stupid shades. After one last scan of our Massive apartment I grabbed my head in disgust and my hands smacked my shades that were on top of my head!! Ahh the things that make us feel crazy.

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