Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another spirit enters the world!!!!

I have been an uncle for many years now. My sister has probably the cutest two little girls on the face of the planet in Sadee and Ava (don't believe me? click on her blog Atkinsons). You just can't argue with curly hair on little girls. Now after 3 years of nothing a new baby has arrived in the family. He finally got here after being 4 days late. My older sister, Alisa, had her first baby boy and first child for that matter this past Thursday. His name is Collin Ryan O'Berry. He is definitely a cute one. I always find it a miracle to think how much of an adventure he is embarking. Times of sorrow and happiness await that little spirit. He'll have many trials and blessings as he learns the plan of his Heavenly Father. It kind of compares to the mission. You have no idea what lies ahead, the lessons you will learn, the trials you will face, the happiness you will embrace. You embark for two years having no idea what's in store for you. Collin is about to embark on who knows how long of a journey. What a special day for his parents to accept that responsibility. Right now I can only imagine that feeling, but it will come soon enough (3 or 4 years) when you have a bunch of little Bri's and mini Jeff's running around the Johnson household creating havoc.


kari said...

So cute! Thanks for the shout out to the girls. I am sure yours will leave ours int the dust. HAHAHA!

AO said...

It's true.... and Collin so far adventures include sleeping through the night most of the night last night and his first trip to the library...asleep, of course ;)

Krista said...

He is a cutie! (hey, Jeff, what about Kambria...c'mon she has curly hair too! ;-)

jeffandbrianne said...

Kambria is just as cute Krista, next blog will be a shout out to her.

Krista said...

Haha! I was just teasin'!!